Tuesday it is!

on 2/22/16 11:05 pm - Bradenton, FL

Good Morning!

I had a crazy day! Vinnie and I had a Nanny gig yesterday. We took care of my niece and nephew. Vinnie developed a very bad case of diaper rash. She was crying and clinging to me all afternoon!!! I had to slather her with butt paste on her lady parts poor thing!!! She was walking like a wounded duck!

But when my niece and I took the kids to McDonalds to play she perked up for a quick bit!

Today I'm laying low and doing mom stuff to get ready for Wednesday, grocery shop, let Vinnie air out, maybe try to potty train her!!! Ya right!

I am going into the hospital in Wednesday for a scope. The surgeon wants to see if I have mor mesh in the bypass. We will see!

We r supposed to be getting colder weather again on Wednesday!

I hope not! Michigan is supposed to be getting a big snow and I hope it stays across the lake and not come here!!!

Talk on I'm going to sleep. I've got a cranky two yr old to deal with in the am!!!


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Connie D.
on 2/23/16 8:13 am

Good morning Carla and everyone......

Carla....poor little Vinnie....I hope she feels better soon. Might be time to start the potty training.  I am glad she managed to have fun at McDonalds despite the pain...LOL!

Good luck tomorrow on you scope. I hope all turns out well.

We had a sprinkle of snow during the night. It is gone already.

As for me..... It is my grocery shopping day. I am fatigued but the pain is better. Taking that extra dose of Vicodin is making a difference. It feels good to want to shop again. Even taking my showers are becoming a little easier. The fatigue I will just have to deal with.

Nothing else going on for me. I did fire my homemaker (Melissa) last week. Starting tomorrow I have Laura back...YAY!!! 

I do need to call in some RX refills. I just finished setting up my med container. Oh Joy....such excitement!!

Wishing you all a good day.  Pay it Forward as you can or do an Act of Kindness. 

Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families. Special prayers as needed. Judy, I pray that all goes well for you with your coming procedure. Mary, I continue to pray for you that you are receiving all the help you need. 

Vickie, I keep thinking of your little sweetie, Caralee. I wish I could hold, hugs and snuggle her. There is nothing better then that new baby smell. Awwwwwww!!

Much love and tons of hugs to all...connie d

(deactivated member)
on 2/23/16 8:39 am

Carla...Poor Vinnie...Ouch.  Hope the butt paste helps.  Good luck with you scope hope the weather doesn't make it inconvenient for you and that the snow stays on the right side of the lake.


Connie.... good to hear that the increase in meds is helping but I used to have issues with fatigue and that was so hard to deal with.  I hope you can eventually get some energy.  Enjoy you shopping trip.  I HATE to shop...for anything!  I don't mind browsing in cute little shops when travelling but shopping in general just not my thing.  Luckily my hubby is a shopaholic.  Its been so long since I've done the shopping it takes me forever when I do .  I don't know where anything is.  I don't even like clothes shopping.  Trying on things wears me out.  Did I say I don't lie shopping?


Everyone else to come hope all is well with you and that you have a great day.

Today is laundry and cleaning day for me.  I am trying to get motivated to get back to deep cleaning.  I still have a few deep drawers in my kitchen to be done.  It won't take long I just haven't done it.   I also desperately need to get my office cleaned out.  I have been doing all my business at my recliner because of my blood clot and wanting to keep my leg elevated but it is time to try to get back to using my little office.  My recliner area is just too cluttered.  I need to move my fax machine and other desk stuff and make a clearing large enough to actually work.  My "desk" is a counter along one wall and at normal counter depth it is difficult.  I tend to spread everything out when working whether on bills or crafts.  I take up a lot of space.

Well the laundry is calling, I guess it will not do itself.

on 2/23/16 10:10 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla, Connie, and Linda!

Linda, I had to LOL at your last thought.  No ma'am, the laundry most assuredly will NOT do itself!  (She says, as she flips the third load of the morning!)

Carla, Budder just this week went tee-tee in the potty!  He's only a month older than Vinnie, so surely that sweet baby will be ready to potty train soon.  Maybe you can tell her that big girls who go potty in the potty don't have ouchies!  And take her to buy some special big girl training panties!

Oh, got interrupted!  LOL!  What else is new around here?

I forget what everyone wrote now.  

So today Carrie and I are planning another brief trip to the mall.  I think I've decided to buy those Easter Bunny salad plates.  I just can NOT buy another complete set of dishes! No, No, NO!  But 8 little salad plates?  Yeah, I can do that.  I can mix them with my regular china.  I also have 4 purple depression glass goblets.  I'm thinking I would like to find 4 pink or blue depression glass goblets and then I can set a real cute table for Easter this year.  I already have a lot of little ceramic bunnies and egg holders and things.  Some pretty flowers and voila! Easter tablescape!

I'm probably going to have the boys the Saturday before Easter, so I'm planning to let them dye eggs and make an Easter cake.  I found a cake idea on Pinterest that looks just right for little fellas to make almost all by themselves.  Here's the pic:

Well, Carrie and I just had an interesting adventure.  We tried studying the U-tube video on how to use the baby wrap.  Caralee was NOT impressed!  LOL!

I've got to go now.  Love you all so much!



Eileen Briesch
on 2/23/16 10:11 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Good luck on the scope, Carla. And with the cranky 2-year-old. 

It's my weekend and I'm being lazy. I couldn't get up this morning. Really tired. Started to doze off a couple of times here in my recliner. I don't think I'll get much done here today. I do need to get some groceries and do laundry in the next two days. 

I haven't been able to post in recent days because I've been busy at work. But I've read most of the posts. Hope everyone is good. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 2/23/16 2:53 pm - Galion, OH

Hi OFF Family!!!!

OMG talk about a chicken running around with its head cut off!! That is me today!!! I have been so dang busy its not funny!!!! People wanting apartments people giving notice to move out...new leases this week...paperwork coming in for recerts...OMG MY HEAD IS SPINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I also had a meeting at 4 today!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus the new guy needing help but Rick was with him most of the day thank GOD!!!!!!!!!! The apartment that Chase was in for almost 3 months is now FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then some!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou Brad!!!!!!!!!! He is so far WAY above Chase 100%!!!!!!!!!!!! Rick said he was shocked how good he is with doing things and not knowing where things are here yet!!! Hope it keeps up!!!!!!! Thinking my boss will be here tomorrow to meet this new guy. Cool!!!!!!

Watching the weather yet...supposed to be rain after midnight then change to snow...omg not looking forward to that at all!!!!!!!! Keep praying!!!!! We do not need flooding here!!!!!!!! Possible HEAVY rain and lots of it before changing to snow...YUCK!!!!!!!!!

Fell asleep last night with tv on...woke up with The Man From Snowy River...OMG HUGE mistake!!!!!!!! HAD to watch that!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooo tired now!!!!!! Before that was Coal Miner's Daughter!!!!!!

OK time for supper....pizza...no time for lunch today....sighs.....or breakfast!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!!!


Patricia R.
on 2/23/16 6:24 pm - Perry, MI

I'm late, but better late than ever.  

My foot has been bothering me for days, even taking the Norco, which is like a weaker version of Vicodin.  So, I called the doc, and moved my next appointment up to Friday morning.  Something weird is going on around that blessed wound that's been dogging me since Thanksgiving.  I am being a good girl, and not doing anything but sitting, going potty and getting food.  I'm behaving.

Things with Mom and my sister have taken an interesting turn, but it's too complicated to go into right now, coz my head can't handle it right now.  Colleen lectured me today about trying to have some empathy for my sister.  I struggle, coz I've never really been close to my sister.  There has always been a wall, which I've tried to get through, but we just can't seem to get through completely.  The only thing we have in common is our family of origin.  I got married, and moved away for four years at the age of 18.  She lived with Mom till her late 20's, early 30's.  I had three kids, went to college, had a career working with kids, and was active in churches, teaching Sunday School or caring for babies in the nurseries.  Eileen got a job in an office, working for the state of New Jersey.  Yet, Mom always talked about how much Eileen loves kids.  Eileen likes to go to Bingo and casinos.  I will go to Bingo for Special Olympics, but found going to casinos to be sheer torture.  I went with her and Mom once, and hated every minute of it.  I've traveled with her, and hated it.  She is sometimes *****y toward servers in restaurants, and I've been embarrassed to be there.  I can't connect, and I can't comprehend why she does so many things that she does, especially her lack of willingness to try to arrange things for Mom.

Well, Michigan State is playing Ohio State in basketball, and I need to watch it.  Go Spartans.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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